Recent Successes
- Felony sexual assault where client remembered nothing of the night’s events; Dismissal at close of the State’s case following cross examination
- Felony sexual assault resulting in a mistrial during cross in the State’s case; State dismissed the charges on the morning scheduled for retrial although client did plea to other, unrelated charges
- Felony gambling charges reduced to ordinance violation
- Allegations of sexual assault dismissed and record ultimately expunged
- Allegations of felony sexual assault by force reduced to misdemeanors and all sexual allegations ultimately dismissed; client was convicted of battery and disorderly conduct with sentence to probation
- Allegations arising out of fight with injuries dismissed
- Allegations of violation of a domestic restraining order negotiated to deferred prosecution agreement with dismissal
- Represented client in matter involving an accident with fatality being investigated by police; no charges issued
- Allegations of felony theft in excess of $2500 reduced to misdemeanor; client received 18 months probation with conditions of $500 restitution and community service, but no jail
- Allegations of felony child abuse with physical evidence of bruising tried to jury with a not guilty verdict
- Allegations of drug offenses and possession of a switchblade negotiated in Shawano County to a deferred prosecution agreement
- Repeated sexual assault of a child tried to a jury which resulted in a mistrial after 8 hours of deliberation; the State elected not to retry the defendant and dismissed the case
- Felony drug case with regional publicity negotiated to a deferred prosecution with dismissal
- Allegations of felony sexual assault by force tried to jury resulting in a not guilty verdict
- Felony drug case dismissed during trial; State elected not to retry
- Representation of a client being investigated for allegations of sexual abuse of a child resulted in non-prosecution and a written assurance by the District Attorney that no charges would be issued
- Represented client in two cases in separate counties alleging sexual assault of a child. One case was dismissed before trial; the other was negotiated on the eve of trial to a deferred prosecution agreement with eventual dismissal of all charges
- Sexual assault of a child case taken over from another attorney; dismissed by the State on the eve of trial
- Allegations of embezzlement, theft and fraud charges amounting to over $10,000 reduced to misdemeanors and client sentenced to restitution and probation with no jail
- Represented client in felony drug case: negotiated forfeiture of car with no charges issued
- Represented client in child sexual assault case and obtained suppression of all incriminating statements before trial. Sexual assault allegations were dismissed and client pled to charge of child enticement based on delivery of drugs
- Represented client charged with forgery related to securities business; case dismissed in full after we turned over our investigation to the District Attorney
- Where client was charged with theft of gasoline in case several years old, we investigated, obtained a confession from the person involved and obtained a dismissal
- Charges of sexual assault of patient by therapist tried to jury and client acquitted
- Client charged with sexual assault by force; case tried to jury and client acquitted
- Represented client in matter involving an accident with fatality being investigated by police; no charges issued
- Allegations of felony theft in excess of $100,000 reduced to misdemeanor; client sentenced to pay a small fine and $15,000 in restitution to settle all claims, both civil and criminal
- Charges of sexual assault of a child won at trial. Charges of bail jumping while awaiting trial were dismissed by the State.
- Where client was charged with multiple counts of felony sexual assault, we succeeded in suppressing all incriminating statements, obtaining a reduction to misdemeanors with a sentence of probation and eventual expungement of the client’s criminal record
- Client charged with forcible sexual assault received a verdict of not guilty at trial
- Client charged in two separate incidents in Shawano County with multiple counts, including resisting arrest, pled to one misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge and one non-criminal forfeiture; client paid a small fine and avoided both jail and probation
- Client charged with felony counts of strangulation and false imprisonment, as well as two misdemeanors was convicted at trial of one count of disorderly conduct but acquitted on all other charges
- Charges of cruelty to animals arising out of shooting of trespassing dog were dismissed before trial after we submitted our investigative reports and photos
- Client was found not guilty of sexual assault by force at jury trial
- Domestic abuse charge reduced to ordinance violation
- Felony charge of delivering contraband to prisoner resolved by deferred prosecution agreement and eventual dismissal of all charges
- Charges of felony child abuse and battery reduced to misdemeanor and resolved by deferred prosecution agreement resulting in eventual dismissal
- Felony child abuse reduced to misdemeanor ; client sentenced to 30 days jail with credit for good time
- Client was charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. We obtained an outright dismissal of the resisting and client was sentenced to pay a small fine on the disorderly conduct.
- Accident while intoxicated resulted in severe injury to one person and the death of another. We negotiated a disposition that resulted in county jail time and work release privileges.
- Felony sexual assault allegations resolved with deferred prosecution agreement and eventual dismissal of charges
- Allegations of battery by prison guard negotiated to one misdemeanor and client ordered to pay a small fine
- Multiple felony counts of drug dealing reduced to misdemeanor possession
- Allegations of witness intimidation that received considerable local press was reduced to a non-criminal ordinance violation after investigation and witness interviews were turned over to the District Attorney by our office
- Client was charged in multiple complaints with allegations including a felony and domestic abuse allegations. Our investigation and witness interviews persuaded the State that our client was falsely accused and his estranged wife was lying. All charges were dismissed.
- Allegations of forcible sexual assault were dismissed by the State at the close of the preliminary examination after the conclusion of cross-examination of the complaining witness
- Allegations of forcible sexual assault were reduced to one misdemeanor; the Defendant received no jail and will be eligible to have his record expunged
- Charges of sexual assault of a child were dismissed on the day before trial
- Client was charged with felony counts of growing marijuana and possession of processed marijuana with intent to deliver (a lot of marijuana). The prosecutor had never offered a sentence other than prison before trial. We won the possession with intent count and lost the manufacturing count. The State asked for six years prison. The Judge sentenced the defendant to probation and 60 days jail, but stayed the balance of any sentence. This is a great example of how to win while losing.
- Client was charged with felony battery and other counts arising out of a bar fight. After receiving our investigation materials and interviews of witnesses, the State became convinced they had the wrong guy and dismissed the charges.
- Felony charges of witness tampering were reduced to one count of obstructing and one count of disorderly conduct. The client was given one year probation and a stayed jail sentence.
- Domestic battery and disorderly conduct charges were reduced to one non-criminal disorderly conduct after our witness interviews and investigation into the motives of the complaining witness for calling the police and lying
- Felony drug charges were dismissed after we succeeded in suppressing the physical evidence. Although both officers who testified at the hearing claimed they had consent to enter the house, the Judge believed our client.
- My office took over a felony domestic abuse case with allegations of strangulation and false imprisonment. We got the case ready for trial and on the eve of trial, the State agreed to one misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct with probation and no jail.
- The State dismissed a charge of theft after we conducted an investigation and consulted with an expert witness.
- Allegations of felony witness intimidation were changed to disorderly conduct and the client was given a probation disposition that will result in dismissal of the charge